Friday, November 29, 2019

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration lab report Essay Example

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration lab report Paper This is an investigation of the effect of the intensity of light (photosynthesis) have on the rate of cellular respiration (measured as the number of oxygen bubbles). We will determine whether or not it is possible to examine the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration under controlled environmental conditions. We will show the effects, reactions, and relationship between photosynthesis and respiration, as well as demonstrate to you how the scientific method works. Hypothesis Upon completion of the investigation we will be able to determine if gas that will be produced with the intensity of light at different wattages. Materials and Methods The following methods were used to calculate the rate of photosynthesis: Measuring the uptake of CO, measuring the production of carbohydrates, and measuring the increase in dry mass. We will also measure the production of 02 the experiment in the experiment. Oxygen can be measured by counting the bubbles evolved from seaweed to measure the amount of gas produced by four different light intensities (25, 50, 75, and 100) measuring each different light intensities times three. Results or Outcome was able to determine the amount of gas produced by the four different light intensities. The more light, the faster the rate of photosynthesis. However, increased rate o photosynthesis only goes to a certain point. We will write a custom essay sample on Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration lab report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration lab report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration lab report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer You would think hat the more intense the light the higher the rate, but there us a certain limit. Table 1: Rate of Photosynthesis Measured by the Number of Oxygen Bubbles Light Bulb Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average O watts 2 3 25 watts 7 4 5 50 watts 11 100 watts 12 13 Conclusion In conclusion, the outcome of this experiment was what I expected it to be. What I did not expect is when the intensity of light increased the rate of the photosynthesis only went up to a certain point. Assumed the more light the more photosynthesis, this investigation showed me differently.

Monday, November 25, 2019

lady lazarus Essay Example

lady lazarus Essay Example lady lazarus Essay lady lazarus Essay Lady Lazarus by Sylvia Plath Lady Lazarus is a poem by Sylvia Plath, which is about the three attempts of suicide of the narrator who corresponds to the poetess in many ways. And Lazarus is considered as a man, at the command of Jesus, who rises from the dead, in the Testament of the Bible. The poem starts by telling us that she had done it again. We do not know what this â€Å"it† is yet. In every decade, she manages to do this act that we do not know what it is about. The narrator sees herself as a walking miracle and describes it with a bright skin, a paperweight right foot and a face looks like Jew linen. She speaks to an unidentified enemy and says that her â€Å"sour breath will vanish in a day†. We see that she compares herself to a victim of Holocaust and states that she is 30 years old and like a cat, she has nine lives. Later on we understand that â€Å"it† connotes to dying, but she keeps returning to life again and again like a cat. In her first atte mpt to suicide, it was an accident she says, and the second one was intentional. She did not expect to return from it. She thinks â€Å"dying† is an art -like everything else- and believes that she does it well. It is like a theatrical event for her and thinks that everyone comes to see her doing it. In fact, it seems like she’s performing the third suicide in front of a crowd (which she explains â€Å"peanut-crunching crowd†) in a place which seems like a circus. Then she thinks that she has been burning to death in a crematorium in Concentration Camp. At the end of the poem she warns â€Å"Herr God† and â€Å"Herr Lucifer† to beware, because she is going to rise again from the ash and â€Å"eat men like air†. This poem of Plath’s is so dark and full of death imageries. It is estimated that this poem could be an autobiography because she is known for her suicidal acts, and she had committed suicide by sticking her head in a gas oven shortly after writing this poem. The

Thursday, November 21, 2019

HP's strategic choices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

HP's strategic choices - Essay Example In the process of discussing the major accomplishments and failures made by Florina, the student will evaluate her decision-makings and the effectiveness of her strategic choices in terms of being able to cut down the operational costs of HP. One of the business strategies that Florina implemented together with the company’s business executives is not to reward employees their annual bonuses in case they fail to meet their profit target each year. (Information Gatekeepers, 2002) Even though holding on employees’ bonuses could save the company a large sum of money at the end of the year, this strategy could de-motivate some of deserving employees within the business organization. Given the fact that some of HP employees were disappointed with the top management’s decision not to release their annual bonuses, the work performance of HP employees may suffer. Back in 2002, Florina was behind the actual merger that has occurred between HP and Compaq Computer. Aside from the fact that merger between the two companies could result to cutting down its operational costs through economies of scale as it increases the market opportunity on the part of HP, some analysts have argued that it was a mistake to pursue the merger between the two companies since this strategy made HP lost some portion of its market shares in some areas. (LaMonica, 2005) Upon analyzing the situation, it is possible for HP to lose some of its market share in certain areas when the top management fails to develop a single organizational goal and business objectives which could align the employees coming from the two separate companies. When there is a miscommunication or internal conflict arising between the two groups of employees, there is a higher possibility for the quality of HP products to decrease due to miscommunication and other technical errors. One of the best ways of maintaining the competitiveness of HP in the global

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Security Intelligence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Security Intelligence - Essay Example The powerful intelligence agency of United States, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was "created in order to encourage competitive analysis within the intelligence community and to ensure that policy makers did not tailor intelligence to suit their interests."2 An intelligence agency's function is to offer an international clandestine capability to endorse and protect economic well-being of a nation and to protect from internal turmoil. Historians have only recently begun to investigate the role of intelligence and intelligence services in the formation and implementation of political, military, and economic policies which enrich, in many cases change, our understanding of personalities, events and decision making process.3 An analysis of the history of intelligence agencies reveals that there were many instances of involvement in democratic infringement activities. In the words of John McDermott "the CIA, which insisted that the US engage itself in a major way in Vietnam in spite o f the coolness of the State Department and considerable opposition in the Pentagon"4 is a fine example of repressive activities of intelligence agencies that misguided government to engage in a futile exercise in Vietnam. It is necessary to put check and balance on intelligence agencies for successful existence of democratic nations and also to archive records of regression to have a clear picture to future generation. Instruments of repression: The specifically created instruments of repressive institutions include 1) intelligence services; 2) paramilitary bodies; 3) special tribunals; 4) concentration camps; 5) special prisons; and 6) psychiatric centres for re-education. After Second World War the repressive institutions, over the period of 1974-1994, includes Brazil, Chile, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, Spain and Zimbabwe. "Among the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, which had been within the orbit of the Soviet Union since the Second World War, in a world divided by the Cold War, there began a process, starting in Poland, which would culminate in the 1990s with the total collapse of the existing political structures, the most symbolic element of this process was the fall of the Berlin Wall and the German re-unification. In parallel with these European developments, another unstoppable process of demolition of repressive political regimes began in Latin Amer ica to discard conservative military dictatorships. African continent also saw the end after a period of prolonged struggle."5The documents of repression are part of the patrimony of the people. They must be preserved in their integrity, serving as a memento of intolerance, racism, and political totalitarianism. Analysing the documents of primary repressive institutions reveals the political violence perpetrated on the people and the process of transition to democracy and necessity to exercise individual rights: amnesty, indemnity, pensions, and general civil rights in the new political situation. Records available with police or intelligence agencies will help evaluate an individual's personal, family or

Monday, November 18, 2019

Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)+Multi-objective analysis or Essay

Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)+Multi-objective analysis or indicators - Essay Example Therefore it is a key factor contributing to project success. Nevertheless, procurement strategy selection decisions have been mostly judgmental, and hence subject to biases of the decision-maker. In this respect, the need to have a more objective and systematic selection model is self-evident. Developing a model for procurement selection is therefore of strategic importance and several leading research works have been reported (Masterman and Gameson, 84; Skitmore and Marsden, 121; Love et al., 221). This paper reports a study conducted in Hong Kong on the development of a procurement selection model based on multi-attribute utility technology (MAUT). The robustness of the model is enhanced with the use of the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) to determine the importance weightings for the selection criteria. The proposed method seeks to improve the objectivity of the procurement selection process by utilizing the expertise of industrial experts to determine the utility factors. The analytical hierarchy process is used also to determine the importance weightings of the selection criteria. When construction clients face the problem of selecting a procurement method for a project, the clients’ previous experience plays an influential role. As well as the degree of subjectivity, the decision is complicated by the multitude of decision criteria and options available. The nature of the problem fits nicely with multi-attribute utility technology (Edwards, 3; Green, 1992). MAUT is a methodology that can be used as a tool for measuring objectivity in an otherwise subjective area of management (Fellows et al., 27). MAUT is considered to be appropriate as it enables the integration of both the effects of the priority rating and the utilities derived from the respective procurement options. The approach involves first assigning a rating to each of the selection criteria. The ratings are then applied to the utilities derived from a particular procurement method against

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Ryanair Analysis of Strengths and Weaknesses

Ryanair Analysis of Strengths and Weaknesses Michael Porter defines Strategy as a combination of the goals for which the firm is striving and the means and policies by which it is seeking to get there. According to him the Strategy is about competitive position, about differentiating yourself from the point of view of the customer, about adding value through a mix of activities different from those used by competitors. Kenneth Andrews defines Corporate strategy as the pattern of decisions in a company that determines and reveals its objectives, purposes, or goals, produces the principal policies and plans for achieving those goals, and defines the range of business the company is to pursue, the kind of economic and human organization it is or intends to be, and the nature of the economic and non-economic contribution it intends to make to its shareholders, employees, customers, and communities.. Background Currently, the commercial world and its borders are changing more rapidly with regard of terms of size and speed. Travelling all around the world is no longer a luxury but a requirement for many of the population. In the past only rich people could afford to travel, in nowadays with the increasing movement of the technology, students as well as people with average profits can benefit. Due to this fact, in the past decades the number of airlines worldwide has been increasing significantly and respectively in early70s a new type emerged for the first time in the U.S.: the low cost airlines. The first low cost airline was Southwest Airlines which began operations in 1971 and was profitable only in 1973 (Oliveira and Huse, 2008). After twenty years after the Americans (Beigbeder, 2007) due to the fact of the deregulation of European skies in early 1990s, the phenomenon appeared in Europe. One of the first low-cost airlines which emerged was Ryanair (Ireland) and Easy Jet (UK) and they keep being still among the most active on the market. Companys history, development, and growth Ryanair is one of the Worlds favorite airlines and operates more than 1,400 flights per day from 44 bases and 1100+ low fare routes across 27 countries, connecting 160 destinations. Ryanair operates a fleet of 250 new Boeing 737-800 aircraft with firm orders for a further 64 new aircraft which will be delivered over the next 2 years ( Ryanair is a innovator among LCA (Low Cost Airline) companies in Europe. They were among the first and they are still today the most active LCA on the continent. This business is increasing fast and from the beginning has passed through very significant phases. Ryanair was founded in 1985 by the Ryan family in Ireland. In 1988 and during only one year due to financial losses, the company launches a business class service and a frequent flyer club for customers, neither of which prove particularly successful. This change has meant that Ryanair has changed its generic strategy. Indeed, the company since the early 90s pursuing a cost strategy. Ryanair now offers the lowest fares in every market, high frequency flights, moving to a single aircraft fleet type, scrapping free drinks and expensive meals on board. These decisions have significantly reduced ticket prices for customers. In order to reduce again costs, Ryanair decided also to narrow down traveling lines from 19 to 6 routes between 1990 and 1992. With this new policy the Irish firm carry over 1 million passengers in one year for the first time in 1993. On 29th May 1997 Ryanair becomes a public company for the first time with a successful flotation on the Dublin and NASDAQ (New York) St ock Exchanges. In March 1999, Ryanair accepts the delivery of five new Boeing 737-800 series aircraft. Those new aircrafts began operations from the main base at London Stansted, and their impact allowed Ryanair to operate with significantly lower seat costs and to offer much lower airfares, but with better reliability and a fantastic new customer product ( Communication between customers and the company is always a priority. In 2000, Ryanairs website ( became the largest booking website in Europe with more than 50.000 bookings each week. This source of information allows also customers to avail of the lowest car hire, hotel accommodation, travel insurance and rail services. At that time, Ryanair was the only LCA which developed interactive useful internet services for customers. Ryanair was in 2003 in the category most popular brand the fifth most searched website in the world ( The Irish airline became also the first LCA to sponsor a program on television in order to gained more customers. The company decided to sponsor Skynews Weather reports. Following this effort in communication, 1 million people traveled for the first time in during a month with Ryanair in august 2001. According to R. OBrian (mail communication, 15 April 2009) in order to be closer to custome rs, they build also the first continental base at Brussels Charleroi Airport in Belgium between 2001 and the end of 2002. In 2002, the company selected Frankfurt Hahn as the second Continental European base and launched in April with 10 routes. German customers flock in their millions to avail of the lowest air fares to and from Frankfurt according to J. Meier (personal communication, 15 April 2009). To accommodate this growth, Ryanair announced the largest ever aircraft order by an Irish airline by increasing their aircraft order with Boeing from 45 to 125 firm aircraft, with a further 125 options. The value of this order exceeds à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 6 billion and signals Ryanairs ambition to continue to be the largest LCA in Europe. Ryanair became also the number one in Europe of customer services beating all other European airlines for punctuality, fewer cancellations and least lost bags ( Meanwhile according to the company respondent communications to customers have not stopped. In 2004, Ryanair is named the most popular airline on the web by Google, as the website continues to be the most searched travel one in Europe. These performances continued and now more than 98% of all Ryanair bookings are made through the website and Internet customer services. During 2005 and 2006, Ryanair used communication tools in order to try to be different from other airlines for customers. First, they made a big communication called no fuel surcharge guarantee. Following the statements by the respondents , this was a new communication for customers because many full service airlines such as British airways, Air France or Lufthansa continue even today to supplement already high fares fuel with surcharges in case of extra costs. Second, Ryanair became The Worlds Favorite Airline because they carried more customers than British Airways and all other airline and LCA firms. Third, Ryanair was and is still the most punctual company in Europe with more than 90% of flights who arrived on time and respect schedules. Many radio advertising were made with this information. Finally, in order to attract new customers, they offered 100.000 seats for 1à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ for the 20th birthday of the Irish brand. From 2006 until now, a new customer service was launched . According to the respondent This is a web check-in service giving passengers the opportunity to check-in online across Ryanairs entire route network. The company is also the first airline worldwide to carried more than 5 million travelers in a month and created plan for a new customer service: onboard mobile. For the moment, Ryanair has 830 low fare routes all around Europe and across 26 different European countries. They produced customer services from their 31 European bases. Ryanair currently has a team of more than 8,000 people and expects to carry approximately 73.5 million passengers in the current fiscal year ( Strategy Ryanair strategy remains the same from the beginning of the 90s and since then it continues to act as the European LCA leader and continues the expansion in order to attract more customers. Ryanair aims to offer low fares that generates increased passengers traffic while maintaining a continuous focus on cost-containment and operating efficiencies (Ryanairs annual report from 2008). Business Model Full Service : Low Cost: Using HubSpoke network, Congestion during peak hours Delay of only a few inbound flights Will spill over across large portions of the network Low average daily utilization of aircraft, higher costs per seat mile Enormous transaction costs Complex fare structure Non-stop point-to-point services High seating density and load factors, Uniform aircraft types (usually the 737-300) Direct booking (internet/call centre no sales commissions) No frills such as free food/drinks, lounges or air miles Simple systems of yield management (pricing) Use of secondary airports to cut charges and turnaround times The main components of their strategy are low fares, customer services, frequent point-to-point flights on short-haul routes, low operating costs, high maintaining productivity, high personnel productivity, low customers costs, airport access fees, taking again a better advantage of Internet in order to serve the customer, commitment to safety and quality maintenance, enhancement of operating results and ancillary services and focused criteria or objectives for growth (Ryanairs annual report from 2008). Passengers may trade-off price savings against service reductions but anyway Ryanairs market success shows that the product/price trade-off is broadly in line with customers requirements so far. One of the key to the success of Ryanair was that they adopted the decision to build a powerful brand and as an example in 2003 the company was declared the fifth most searched website in the world. This confirms Gilbert ´s (1996) assumptions that branding is becoming increasingly important when it comes to product differentiation. In the case of LCA`s building brand recognition can be seen as another effective tool to be prepared for the competitive environment. These assumptions will be tightened through the argumentation by O ´Connelly and Williams (2005) that for LCA ´s who are offering a strong alternative to full service airlines it is from special relevance to build a strong brand around the company, but with the addition of customer loyalty and satisfaction. During the years the airline has stated clearly the product and stayed rigidly to that model with over 180 routes and 17 bases. In order to maintain the low fares the company has decided to eliminate the amount of travel agents and marketing costs and to sell tickets per internet. This strategic decision had a positive impact and as a result the number of the customers has increased because the clients prefer to avoid the agency and to check, compare and buy the tickets themselves. Since the implementation of internet booking in 2000, passenger numbers has grown rapidly. The growth rate increased from 15,7% (in 1999) to 30,7% (in 2000) and to over 40 % in the following years. Ryanair stimulated the passenger growing by focusing on price and not on service. Thinking on long terms this can arouse problems when another new airline enters the market and this may adversely affect Ryanair`s market share and profitability. This assumption is mainly based on statement by Lawton (1999) where it is said that just having the focus on one strategy, for instance price leadership, will be unsustainable in the future. Mainly driven by the Ryanair will to expand it is certain to sustain its competitive advantage by setting the focus secondary. While the rate of price reduction in air fares charged by low cost airlines is likely to moderate the passenger demand for the Ryanair product is likely to remain high. Ryanair clearly satisfies the markets demand which indicates that the strong price reducing strategy attracts a high number of customers. We can suppose that this fact will remain the same as far as the clients dont change their preferences and their necessities, as long as they want just to move from one point to another and nothing more. The clients tend to keep and select the low cost airline especially for the low cost services provided by them. However the Ryanair is not really focused in the relations with the customers and are counting every penny in order to maintain them on the market. To give you anecdotal case experience I had with Ryanair: one of my Ryanair flight was cancelled so I ended with no communications at all, no change of the ticket, no accommodation provided. Writing numerous letters to Ryanair didnt get me not even a reply and only after writing to the European Commissions for Air Passengers Rights after 3 years Ive got my money back. The conclusion is that what is really important for the company is to keep the low cost as low as possible, no matter what is takes. Otherwise Ryanair could even however face the problem of cost cutting itself out of the market. What counts to the customers is to obtain fair services in direct rapport with the fair prices. The focus that Ryanair need to be focus is the importance of relationship building with its customers, otherwise it may risk losing its position. In case that the airline is capable to unite the low price with a special network of customer fidelity, only then the competitive advantage can be obtained. Strategies could be influenced directly by the numbers of travellers. According to the history of the Ryanair, in its initial stages the company wasnt very effective and after introducing the hard discount pricing strategy the firm became really successful and attractive for the clients. Companys internal strengths and weaknesses SWOT Analysis Strengths Low Cost Pioneer First in cost reductions 1stmover advantage Strong Brand Established market share Variety of supplementary services Weaknesses Week relations with customers Unpredictable customer relations Poor relations between employees Refused to recognize unions Reliance on Michael OLeary Unfriendly connection with competitors Opportunities Continuing development Advanced fee decreasing EU growth Traveller Destinations Rapidly developing competition New low cost entrants Alliance/Mergers between rivals Threats Industry criticism Alternative transportation(cars, trains) External environnement Analyzing the external environment we can define 4 categories of external factors that influence the strategy of Ryanair. Political and legal: Have an increased Trade-Union pressure, EU abolishment of Duty-free Sales, EU expansion Advertising and Marketing Campaigns Economic: Continuously price growth of fuel Depreciation of US dollars EU Commissions Decisions regarding: communication with passengers, cancelled passenger compensation, overbooking, getting illegal subsidies from airports. Sociocultural: The developing of new style of living by travelling, increasing demand of business with require travelling Increasing of new high-speed trains, better cars and other ways of travelling Technological: With Internet, and all the IT technology, everything is much simple you can book, cancel, buy easily a ticket wherever you like Competitors Ryanair now has a number of low-cost competitors. In 2004, approximately 60 new low-cost airlines were formed. Although traditionally a full-service airline, Aer Lingus moved to a low-fares strategy from 2002, leading to a much more intense competition with Ryanair on Irish routes. AirBerlin wich uses a Business model -instead of point to point connections, it offered guaranteed connections via its hubs, low fare alliances. Another new competitor is BNIBaby a subsidiary of BMI British Midband and leading low cost carriers in the Midlands and Nothern England. Alos is FlyBE which has an incorporated aspect of budget airline model. Airlines which attempt to compete directly with Ryanair are treated competitively, with Ryanair being accused by some of reducing fares to significantly undercut their competitors. In response to MyTravelLite, who started to compete with Ryanair on the Birmingham to Dublin route in 2003, Ryanair set up competing flights on some of MyTravelLites routes until they pulled out. Go was another airline which attempted to offer services from Ryanairs base at Dublin to Glasgow and Edinburgh in Scotland. A fierce battle ensued, which ended with Go withdrawing its service from Dublin. [Quinn, Eamonn. No competitors for Ryanair in Dublin, says Cassani, 30 November 2003, at Retrieved 18 December 2006.] Ryanairs biggest competitor is EasyJet, announced routes to the Republic of Ireland for the first time, beginning with the Cork to London Gatwick route. Until then, EasyJet had never competed directly with Ryanair on its home ground. [Mulligan, John. Ryanair wins judicial review of decision over Knock route, 10 September 2008 at] External Analysis Porters Five Forces Threat of new Entrants Medium Is somehow affected by new comers in the market Suppliers Bargaining Power Low Industry Competitors Competition Among existing Firms High There are several strong competitors fighting for the same clients. Buyers Bargaining Power Low Threat Of Substitute Products Medium There is a living style that makes EU people to travel during the weekend with, buses, cars, caravans, trails Ryanair Competitive Advantage In nowadays the company tries to position itself by providing a strong brand on the market and obtaining a good reputation. Driven by this, company has to adapt each time to the condition of the market following strategies that can improve their competitiveness. These include cost leadership, differentiation, focused cost leadership and integrated cost leadership/differentiation. Ryanair restructured the model and they moved from conventional airline to the first European low fare. At the beginning it provided services only between Ireland and the UK. At the end of 1990 in spite of the increasing in clients, Ryanair faced losses of 20 mln IR pounds. At this period of time and directed by Michael OLeary the company decides to adopt the model of successful American Southwest Airlines. The problems encountered at this stage were that, Ryanair tried to concentrate and on costs and also on focus. At this stage, the competitors can invade the market, and without a proper strategy the compa ny cannot position themselves on a segment and survive. So they choose to go for Cost Leadership which proved to be a right choice. So how they do that: Fleet Standardization The company uses the most sold and used planes from the world Boeing 737. Maintenance costs are low, spares parts are chip and because of this, the Ryanair is capable to keep the low prices, New Aircrafts, Owns Own Fleet, Operations Denominated in Euro, Hedge Fuel Risk Airport Charges The company chose to avoid main airports and to use secondary or regional airport but closed to big cities, and respectively these airport charge lower taxes Limited Airport Transportation Employees and Productivity The company provides lower employment costs, but the staff can earn more money based on their performance Model Online Bookings, One Class Travel, Ticketless Boarding, Unallocated Seats, Point-to-Point Flying, No Frills, Reduced Turnaround Times, No Refund Policy Outsourcing of Services The company uses the third part services such as aircraft handling, ticketing. Highly Successful Ancillary Service Offering, Outsourcing of Services at International Airports, Marketing and Advertising The companys promoting is basically in newspaper, radio, television and their web site Advertising on Airplanes, In-house Marketing Basic Service on board Offers minimum standards of service and very low prices for point-to point short have flights, no extra such as in flight meals, advance seat assignment, free drinks and other services. Eliminating seatback pockets, No blankets or pillows, Airsickness bags distributed on request, Charges larger penalties for overweight luggage This strategy was a success and by 1997, Ryanair was floated on the Dublin Stock Exchange and on NASDAQ. Expansion strategy is another factor that enables Ryanair to position itself in the marketplace. The company has been known to be an airline which launches new routes since its operation begins. In addition, under the expansion strategy, company acquires Buzz in February 26, 2003. Such acquisition enables Ryanair to gain immediate access to11 new French regional airports and makes the company the largest airline operating at London Stansted Airport. In addition, the company continues to expand by opening two new Continental European bases with low-fare flights from Milan Bergamo and Stockholm. In the year, 2003, the company has been able to launch 73 new routes and carry over 2 million passengers in one month (July). In addition, the company website has been able to make the company position itself in the global market. Corporate Strategy High Global Strategy Transnational Strategy Low International Strategy Multidomestic strategy Low High Future of Ryainair Cutting costs: Race to bottom Ryanair, the Worlds favorite airline, today (9th  July) launched an online poll to ask if   passengers would stand on short flights if it meant they could travel for FREE, or pay 50% less than seated passengers.  Ryanair is gauging passenger demand for its vertical seating which will allow passengers to travel for free in a secure upright position on short flights of approximately one hour. Source: Ryanairs Future Plans, Cutting the costs, No Window Blinds , No Reclining Seats, Leather Seats , Velcro Headrests , Carry-on Luggage Profit enhancement Satellite Television , Internet On-board , Rented In-flight entertainment Future plans Free tickets. In a decade or so, airlines will pay travellers to distribute people around Europe. The airline industry is Tesco, is Ikea, is network TV in the way viewers watch for free and advertisers Pay for access to them, is the internet in the same way that websites earn money for delivering click-through traffic or other sites. Michael OLeary ,Chief Executive Officer of the Irish airline Ryanair Issues at Ryanair Risks and Challenges Extra capacity building would create certaintly about the success of new routes and locations Fuel Prices Vulnerable to rising fuel prices Represents 35 % of the operating costs Compensation to passengers Regulation by the European Union Terrorism and security Added risks and Costs to the industry Expand into Central and Eastern Europe Continue aggressive acquisition Overhaul the customer service Internet ticketing Develop the smaller operating base Increase the ancillary revenues-focus on after sales Future Conclusion Despite the fact that Ryanair is tied to low cost policy and doesnt care about the loyalty of the clients, the relations with the Clients, the service and with bad experience with them, the customers and myself will keep to buy their services, yes we will get the basic service but is cheap, is easy and after the exams I will fly with them in Portugalia. Ryanair rapid growth is due to: Low cost Airline Business Model that restructured European Aviation Industry Pioneer innovative cost reduction methods Creative alternative revenue generation free flights goal in next phase evolution Value segments consist of travellers interested to optimize comfort, time and price. This would mean a requirement for city-centric airports, and comfortable departure times. Competitors are catering to value market segment and have established slots at some primary airports, furthermore provide cost effective basic services. Acquisition of a similar airline would enhance expansion into value-orientated market segments without comprising its top position in the low-price segment. The key challenge for Ryanair in the next few years therefore is developing a successful strategy for not only winning the war in Low Price segment but acquiring solid position in the Value Segment and in new non-European markets. 5. ReferencesBelfast Telegraph. Finance crisis good for

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Fighting Kerry Keenan :: Film Movies

Fighting Kerry Keenan Theme: This film is loosely based on the story of Lola Bardem, who as a student at Sarah Lawrence college was convicted of killing her lover and roommate, Sara Shield with a compound bow. Lola, an All-American archer, and three time cover-model for Sports Illustrated was the defendant in the case brought against her by the victim's family. The case, which I'm sure we all remember was important for many reasons, not only due to the strange nature of Sara's death, but also for the evidence brought against, and in support of Lola, including issues concerning her upbringing in a low-income neighborhood, her sexual orientation, and her gender. Although Lola's case has been closed for almost five years now, the ramifications of the suit are still being felt. Since then, many of the nations colleges and universities have cut funding for sports that are considered "out-dated" and "dangerous", although many traditional sports like football, ice-hockey, track and field, and sailing still continue to receive a large sum of funding—often being cited as sports that are associated with the identity of the school, and therefore untouchable due to pressure from alums and television networks that broadcast the games nationally. However, and perhaps more importantly, the film will mainly be concerned with the case itself, and the uproar it caused in the media. Protagonists: For our purposes, Lola's name has been changed to Kerry. Although the film is ultimately constructed temporally along the events of Kerry's case, the main protagonist is an 18 year old high school senior named Darby Brennan, who is at the time of the case is being pursued by elite universities to join their basketball team. The news that we as viewers gather about the case is filtered to us through Darby's perspective. Although initially naà ¯ve with respect to the world of competitive women's sports, Darby's experience watching the case ultimately influences her decision about playing sports in college. Other than her testimony, Kerry herself doesn't have much of a main part. Rather, it is the media's portrayal of Kerry's case that occupies much of the narrative, and should lead the viewer to question the portrayal of women in sports. Often scenes in the movie will be filmed to give the viewer the feeling of being the audience of news telecasts. However, in order to emphasize narrative perspective, Darby will often comment on the information we receive, questioning how her own life could possibly be construed by the media, and her own activities misinterpreted in the interest of television ratings.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Infant mortality rates and importance of them

When studies measuring America ‘s wellness attention are released, many articles place heavy accent on infant mortality rates and its analysis. These studies are straight measured with a state ‘s health-care development, demoing betterments in surgical processs or a interruption in advanced engineering. About every state in the universe, including the U.S. and European states, takes careful consideration of its infant mortality rate when mensurating its ain wellness attention system or puting their informations on the universe phase for international comparings. Infant mortality rates, of import pieces of statistical information to a state, have prompted inquiries of whether a individual set of Numberss validly assesses a state ‘s overall health care quality or simply serves as an undependable step taken excessively critically. Infant mortality rates provide undependable statistical informations chiefly due to a deficiency of standardised steps in entering infant deceases across states, ensuing in misdirecting information. Assorted states throughout the universe define baby mortality otherwise, which Jonathan Cohn describes as â€Å" rough steps † ( Hogberg ) . Some states consider any baby who â€Å" breathes or shows any grounds of life † feasible as referenced in the Demographic Yearbook [ 1 ] 2002, and others â€Å" must be at least 30 centimetres long † to be considered life as stated by Nicholas Eberstadt ( Hogberg ) . Because of alone measurings across states, Country A may hold its infant mortality rate elevated or lowered significantly in relation to Country B criterions. For illustration, Country A, with an infant mortality rate of 2.7, counts every mark of life as a unrecorded birth. State B, with an infant mortality rate of 5.8, counts merely babies weighing over 500 gms at birth, ensuing in a larger tallied figure of deceases. If Country A were to set to Country B ‘s criterions, it would most likely produce a higher mortality rate. Without a consistent system, both infant mortality rates and rankings are well skewed. Due to an unorganised system of infant decease enrollment, states including New Zealand and Australia are prone to losing informations, and some exclude â€Å" babies who die shortly after birth † from their informations wholly ( Hogberg, MacDorman, and Matthews ) . Underreporting consequences from these undependable patterns, unwittingly casting the image of a state with a higher quality health care. Some of the top grade European states could be every bit low as the United States, or the United States itself could lift to the upper tierce. Without a standardised system, the truth of universe health care rankings is peculiarly questionable. Erratic studies, eventful from mendacious variables, send messages that do non effica ciously mensurate a health care system. Infant mortality rates reflect socioeconomic factors of the state more than the quality of its health care straight. The rates normally reflect the â€Å" obscure†¦ prevailing broad disparities among racial groups † ; statistics from the Department of Health and Services show the correlativity between infant mortality and ethnicity ( â€Å" The U.S. Health † ) . As of 2008, African Americans have an infant mortality rate of 13.6 out of every thousand births ; Whites, 5.66 out of every thousand births ( Blue ) . The present racial disparity links to the disadvantages of minority groups such as changing life conditions, ineffectual fiscal assistance, and deficiency of proper antenatal instruction. Without proper antenatal instruction, female parents lack cognition in caring for their kids decently earlier, during, and after construct. Depending on the regional countries in which these minority groups settle, entree to health care may besides be limited, impacting the attention of babies. Financial issues in a state once more indicate a relationship to the infant mortality rate. Research from the University of Maine studies that â€Å" Denmark and Germany have wellness systems which are really just in fiscal parts to the system, [ but ] other states such as the U.S. have really unjust systems of wellness funding † ( â€Å" The U.S. Health † ) . Denmark and Germany, both extremely industrialised European states, item significantly lower infant mortality rates than the United States, which coincidently besides spends the most in health care. Fiscal factors do non play a important function in the health care system itself, but more on the authorities policies sing a state ‘s fiscal distribution. Most issues point towards a state ‘s socioeconomic issues instead than its health care related jobs upon measuring an overpoweringly big analysis on infant mortality rates. On the other manus, infant mortality rates can rede a state sing the way of its health care focal point. One of the more discussed grounds for the United States holding a higher mortality rate is that many doctors think the United States are concentrating more on handling issues, instead than forestalling them ( Park 48 ) . This observation serves as an of import index to the focal point of the United States ; the quality of the United States ‘ wellness attention may be earnestly undermined, and the betterment of the state ‘s health care is slowed by the clash of misdirected focal point. Because of the error doctors are doing by seeking to bring around a deceasing babe instead than forestalling the mortal state of affairs ab initio, American baby mortality rates are unreasonably in the lower tierce of industrialised state rankings. The United States, honored as the richest and most powerful state in the universe, faces embarrassment in an cryptically low ranking in an cou ntry in which it is expected to stand out. Relatively high baby mortality rates points the U.S. in a way to increase its attempts in a new visible radiation. Datas studies from the CIA reveal a correlativity between infant mortality rate and the figure of doctors per 1000 people, which show an norm of 337 physicians in European states with an infant mortality rate of less 4.5 and the United States with 256 physicians with an infant mortality rate of 6.26m ( The World Factbook ) . A lurid deficit of doctors in the United States should dismay Americans who need to switch their current wellness focal point to supplying more physicians. Mothers may non be having equal attention from accoucheurs or babies may be treated with sloppiness by baby doctors because a work deficit may non let a doctor to supply the focal point and personal attention to every patient. Infant mortality rates are of import indexs to direct the focal point of a state sing the betterment of its health care. Inadequa te systems of entering infant deceases greatly hamper the credibleness of publically reported informations used to rank the quality of a state ‘s health care. Another country where baby mortality plays a function in health care is finding the effectivity of a state ‘s medical engineerings and interventions. Alice Park in a wellness issue of TIME magazine studies that some adult females â€Å" take advantage of generative engineerings [ that ] cause opportunities of multiple births, which in bend addition the likeliness of premature birth † ( Park 47 ) . Premature birth additions infant mortality to a unsafe extent, given the fact that premature babies will have undeveloped lungs and encephalons. Since premature births are increased, the information points towards unproductive medical engineerings, which threaten the province of a state ‘s overall health care quality. Premature births are besides caused by birthrate interventions taking to multiple births, ensuing in early cesarian subdivisions ( Stobbe ) . The impractical nature of these birthrate interventions basically represents an barbarian intervention system, which in bend affects the overall methods of intervention of the full health care construction. Infant mortality rates in the United States did non demo a considerable lessening until the development of inoculations against diseases aiming babies ( Park 42 ) . Unlike the old fortunes, this state of affairs proves that the success of ground-breaking engineering dramatically increased the quality of the state ‘s health care. Specified to the efficaciousness of a state ‘s medical engineerings and interventions, infant mortality rates provide intelligent grounds of the quality of a health care system. Infant mortality rates are normally used to measure a state ‘s overall health care position. I, nevertheless, do non believe that rankings of states ‘ infant mortality rates are valuable indexs. While the informations may supply some penetration into delivering methods, antenatal attention, and postpartum attention, most surveies clearly illustrate that causes of infant mortality are non entirely medically based. In fact, most causes of infant mortality are economically and socially based ; hence, infant mortality rankings have merely a modest cogency in verifying the makings of a state ‘s wellness attention. Upon analysing demographic informations, entree to wellness attention is conspicuously dependent on environmental factors, such as where one lives ( Meckel 281 ) . By comparing population maps to healthcare entree charts, it is evident that there is a way relationship between countries with higher population densenesss and higher health care entree. Cities with big populations show a big contrast in racial disparity versus infant mortality rates, in which African Americans and Native Americans have higher rates than White persons, but both Hispanics and Asians have lower infant mortality rates. The causes for the disparities are identical, which makes infant mortality rates a faulty agencies of analyzing health care. Some variables involved in cut downing infant mortality rates over the decennaries included a higher criterion of life, antenatal instruction, and teenage gestation instruction ( Meckel 281 ) . These factors show no relevance towards health care. The lessening in infant mortality in this instance was the effects of social reforms and non actions covering with the overall health care system. In my sentiment, the system of computation baby mortality rates confronts the most upsetting job: Measurements are incompatible. It is unlogical to compare uncustomary statistics and utilize it to knock a state ‘s quality of health c are. In order to efficaciously rank a state ‘s wellness attention quality, and finally its system, accent demands to be placed on more information pertaining as closely to the health care itself without outlying factors. Infant mortality rates appear with excessively much gravitation in every health care analysis study. Infant mortality rates serve as highly of import statistical information ; nevertheless, less weight could be placed on the rates itself sing the rankings of healthcare quality. Alternatively, infant mortality rates can be analyzed to better socioeconomic issues within society. [ 1 ] A aggregation of demographic statistics assembled by experts internationally and published by the United Nations for the usage of economic experts, demographists, etc.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Social Templates Are The Best Way To Schedule Dozens Of Messages In 5 Easy Minutes [New Feature] - CoSchedule Blog

Social Templates Are The Best Way To Schedule Dozens Of Messages In 5 Easy Minutes [New Feature] Blog What if you could schedule more social messages without experiencing the tedious process? And what if you could write a variety of awesome messages to automatically fill up your social media schedule without spending time copying and pasting your messages? And what if you could reuse your work  as a template  for the next time you want to schedule social messages? Well, if you could do all of that, youd schedule dozens of social messages in a few easy minutes.  And that would  help you share more to social media and  get a lot more traffic without losing your valuable time on repetitive tasks. In fact, you could schedule a huge variety of 60+ social messages to span out days, weeks, and even months in less than five  minutes to get you 200% more traffic.  At least, those are the results some have experienced with the latest feature in your social media editorial calendar with social templates.How  To Schedule Dozens Of #SocialMedia Messages In 5 Easy Minutes Anxious to see social templates in action? Watch the  demo webinar now! Introducing Social Templates- Eliminating The Tedious Process Of Manual Scheduling! Let me repeat that: Social templates will help you eliminate the tedious process of manual scheduling. Youll create the perfect social sharing plan, fine tune your messages for maximum engagement, and apply your reusable social template to any  blog post or piece of content on your editorial calendar. Heres a preview of how social templates will help you consistently share awesome messages in next to no time: Stop the busywork  by easily  creating a predefined social sharing plan you can reuse again and again. And  with the time you save, you can focus on creating exceptional content to build a loyal following. Schedule dozens of social media messages in bulk with reusable social templates. Youll share posts faster and drive more traffic to your blog in less time. Forget copying and pasting. Use social helpers to auto-fill your entire social queue so you can focus on crafting quality messages that increase user engagement and clickthroughs. Stay consistent with your social media schedule by pre-planning days, weeks, and months in advance with reusable social templates. Stay consistent with your #socialmedia schedule by pre-planning with reusable social templates.Sound good? Heres how to get started: Easily Add  Variety To Your Social  Messages To Share More Frequently Social helpers are a tool to help you  add more variety to your social media posting schedule so you can share more often without losing your followers. They have the added benefit of helping you avoid copying and pasting messages while making last-minute edits a breeze. Start by defining the types of messages youll send with tags,  then simply write your social message: Write  several messages in your social helpers to add some variety into your social media posting schedule: Social helpers help you reuse hashtags, messages, and images throughout your social queue without copying and pasting. And that alone  saves you from the tediousness of manual scheduling. Bonus  Tip: Since you can reuse social helpers in multiple messages, you can easily edit the social helper  once to  automatically update all of the messages that use that social helper. Schedule Your Messages  Without The Hassle Of Copying And Pasting Youre already used to  scheduling messages in your social queue to share your content  days, weeks, and even months from now. So follow that same process and use social helpers to add more variety into your social queue: Then, when youre done scheduling your social queue, simply save your hard work as a social template that you can reuse the next time you schedule social messages: Now you can reuse your social template for anything else youd like to share. That means you can use it for blog posts or any other standalone content. Or Create A Social Template From Scratch If youd rather not create a social queue for an existing blog post or piece of content, thats just fine! Simply start a new social template: Then  schedule your social queue in a brand new social template: Bonus Tip:  Create multiple social templates for specific use cases!  For example, create one for sharing new blog posts, another for your Twitter chat, and a third for the new e-book youre working on. There are no limits to how many social templates you can create! Reuse Your Social Template To Share Anything In A Few Easy  Minutes Now that youve built a social template, the easiest part is reusing it to share your content. Simply open a blog post or piece of content on your calendar and apply the social template you just created: Then take a few easy minutes to fill in your social helpers: When youre done filling in those, youll be set to share your  messages! The best part is that it only takes a  few minutes to fill up an entire social queue for days, weeks, and even months from now. Are You Ready To Eliminate The Manual Process Of Social Scheduling? Using social templates is the easiest  way to build a social media posting schedule  once and reuse it again and again. When you use this feature, youll save yourself a ton of time and youll effectively  remove the hassle of retyping your social messages hundreds of times. Start using social templates now with your 14-day free trial of .  This feature is available for all marketing, automation, and advanced calendars!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The eNotes Blog Scholarship Spotlight †August2015

Scholarship Spotlight – August2015 Every month, we  select some of the best scholarships around and post them here on our blog. When you are ready to apply,  check out our tips on How to Write a Scholarship Essay! Power Poetry Scholarship Amount: $1,000 Eligibility:  Applicant must be 25 years of age or younger and be a current or former high school student who will attend or is attending college within the U.S. or its territories. Requirements:  Add an original poem to Power Poetry by Friday, August 7, 2015. Youll need to  register as a member  of their community first.  Dont forget to share your poems on social media! Poems with 50 or more shares (which must be sent from the poem page on PowerPoetry) will be the ones the PowerPoetry team reads first! Due Date: August 7, 2015 To read more information directly,  click here! $1,000 Learn to Build an App Scholarship Amount: $1,000 Eligibility:  Applicants must be current or prospective college or graduate school students. Students of all majors may apply. Applicant should have an idea for a mobile application and must be at least 18 years old. Scholarship award can be used at any college to study any subject area or major. Winners will be selected at the end of each month. Requirements:  Create your Degreed profile and enroll in the Salesforce App Development pathway.  Create a FREE Developer Account on  Start learning by following the learning materials in the Salesforce App Development pathway and accumulate points.  Whoever learns the most, as measured by your Degreed Score in the Salesforce Pathway, wins! In the case of a tie, your essay and broader Degreed profile will be considered to select the winner. Due Date: August 31, 2015 To read more information directly,  click here! Strobe  Law Scholarship Amount: $500 bi-yearly Eligibility:  In order to participate in the competition, an applicant must either be currently enrolled at an accredited college or university or be planning to enroll for the fall 2015 semester. In order to apply, applicants must write a 500-word essay on the following topic: According to a  study  conducted by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI), texting while driving doubled the risk of a crash or near-crash event and resulted in drivers taking their eyes off of the road for an average of 23 seconds. In response to these risks, many states have taken steps to limit or even prohibit the use of handheld devices, such as cellphone, while driving. These measures have been met with varying degrees of success. What types of legal penalties would you believe would effectively deter drivers from texting? Requirements: Essay. In order to apply, applicant should send their essays as an attachment to  by August 15, 2015. Applicants should also include the following information in the body of their email: Their full name, address, and phone number The college or university they are attending or plan to attend Their program of study A link to their Facebook, LinkedIn, or Google Plus profile Due Date: August 15, 2015 To read more information directly,  click here! Career Success  Scholarship Amount: $1,000 Eligibility:  Any current college student of an accredited U.S. college or university with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 is welcome to apply. Requirements:  Eligible students will: Write an essay of no fewer than 600 words about their career aspirations and how their current course load will help them achieve success in their careers. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now? Thinking outside the box is encouraged! Email their essay as a .doc or .pdf attachment to: YouTube submissions are optional, although not required. Video should be no longer than 5 minutes. (Essays submitted via YouTube must also be submitted in writing.) Due Date: August 31, 2015 To read more information directly,  click here!

Monday, November 4, 2019

Designing Documents and Interfaces Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Designing Documents and Interfaces - Essay Example User guides mostly contain a lot of written information on a step by step basis on the procedure of using the products. Children below the age of six also tend to comprehend information conveyed through drawings and illustrations. Therefore I added in procedures that are illustrated in form of pictures showing what should be done within the user guide. They could also have pop-up pictures in order to draw in the attention of the children. I also added games in the user guide whereby I put them within the steps in the user guide in order to ensure the attention of the child is not lost as he or she goes over the guide manual.  The changes in the rhetorical situation led to alterations in the design of the user guide manual due to the fact that I made the user guide more colorful and added more pictures to the user guide and also changed the shape of the user guide manual to shapes that would appeal to children. I believe these changes were effective due to the fact that Children bel ow the age of 6 years would be more drawn in by illustrations and

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Corporate Responsibilities to Ensure Work and Family Facilitation Essay

Corporate Responsibilities to Ensure Work and Family Facilitation - Essay Example Without these conditions, transitions in the workplace would be high and the quantity as well as the quality of outputs for the corporation would suffer. This paper shall discuss the corporate responsibilities which help ensure work and family facilitation. This paper is being undertaken in order to assist corporations in identifying their responsibilities and in order to assist them in the improvements they need to make for their operations. Body Work design Corporations have a major role in ensuring work and family facilitation and they can certainly do this by concentrating on their corporate work design. Work design has been identified as a major cause of various issues in work-family facilitation; and it also has been considered as an essential means in ensuring work progress (Heymann, 2000). In order to achieve the success of this design, the broad and dual agenda coverage has to be considered. The problems which corporations face must be assessed not according to how organizat ions can achieve strong performance in their workplace, but on how the workplace can be built to secure high quality work and a satisfying family life. 1. Sharing control and responsibility with the workers One of the means by which the work design can be re-imagined is for the corporation to share control and responsibility to their workers (Eaton, 2000). Sharing control in the policy and work management of employees as well as their representatives is important because the front-line workers as well as their managers are often already familiar with their work practices. The contribution of workers is therefore incorporated into the redesign activities in the workplace. It is also incumbent upon corporations to adjust the work culture and make the work hours more flexible while still maintaining strong outputs. Corporations must also encourage their employees to participate in the some decision-making activities of the corporation. Without these options, the flexible work policies will not be used well. Corporations also need to coordinate and dialogue with their workers in order to prevent resistance among supervisors and managers as well as work resentment from other employees (Bailyn,, 2001). Through these activities, corporation can create a culture of being available for their workers. Corporations and workers need to discuss who can work together equitably based on family needs and personal circumstances. And in most cases, the most appropriate solution to various issues for employees is often to allow them to make choices and to allow them to assist in designing and administering firm practices as well as benefits. 2. Give more women opportunities in high-level corporate positions Corporations also have the responsibility of providing opportunities for women to occupy high level corporate positions. The most efficient means to ensure work-family facilitation is for corporate leaders to provide a balanced gender demographic among their supervisor y and rank-and-file staff (Blair-Loy, 1999). Since women often have multiple responsibilities, they often experience work and family life differently from men and they would likely prioritize their home life above their work life. Corporations therefore need to make accommodations for women in their supervisory staff, in higher corporate positions in order to portray a picture of women being given at least